Bazodee Magazine

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In the fight against COVID-19, it’s important to note that we all have a part to play and it’s critical that we actually play that part to ensure that our survival.

Not much is required of ordinary Bajans, you only need to follow one rule:

Stop in at you

The virus cannot successfully move from host to host if everybody remains socially distanced in at them. This way sick people cannot spread the virus and can easily be isolated and taken for quarantine and further treatment.

By nature, humans and Bajans are a social people and we love to mix, lime, talk and interact. But this virus has turned the world on its head and it’s important that we do what we can to stop the spread. There has been massive disruption to our way of life but sadly that is how it is going to be for some time until we can figure a better way out of this.

Until then, stan home. Currently, Barbados is under 24 hour curfew so you should be inside anyway. Use social distancing and stay six feet away from people in public if you need to go outside. Remember to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to kill any virus that may be on it. Don’t touch your face.

If you think that you may be sick or someone else may be sick, don’t present to your doctor or the hospital. The Ministry of Health has a 24-hour Coronavirus hotline - +1-246-536-4500. You can call and they will advise you or send health workers to help you.

Most of all, be safe and be careful and we can survive this thing and return to some semblance of normalcy.

We will be releasing our own graphic to support and reinforce this point across all our social media channels.