Bazodee Magazine

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Mimosa Experience 2017 #bazoSPOTLIGHT

We sat down with the Mimosa team to get the #bazoDEETS on their upcoming all inclusive breakfast event, Mimosa - Experience De Luxe. This all inclusive sumptuous breakfast event has taken on a French theme this year and we wanted to learn more about what Mimosa was all about with our Spotlight series.

Take a listen to our podcast here:

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Mimosa Interview 2017 Bazodee

If you want a chance to win a ticket to Mimosa Experience on Friday August 4th 2017, all you have to do is listen to the podcast and answer these simple questions:

1. Where is the venue for Mimosa Experience 2017?

2. Name a DJ and an Artiste performing at Mimosa.

3. Name two sponsors for the event. 

Good luck!